Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My Limits free essay sample

â€Å"TOC†¦TOC†¦TOC† This is the sound of my sport bag rubbing against my legs. What time is it again? Oh, 4:30 am. â€Å"Do I have everything? Lunch: check, my binder for French: check, my psychology’s homework: check, my work session in strategy and interventions: check. I’m outside. Where are the keys? Of course, I forgot it inside†. Now I’m in front of my car, with everything, I can leave my house. I’m on the edge of the pool. The training will begin in a few minutes as soon as the cable is installed. I look at the board. Today it’s going to be hard. I can’t remember when it wasn’t. Sometimes, I wonder am I suicidal? Perhaps I am. But, I can’t imagine my life without swimming. The feeling inside my mind is amazing. My goal today is to finish the training; I know I can do it; my muscles are exhausted, but I can finish it. We will write a custom essay sample on My Limits or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I can’t believe how fabulous the human body can handle the pain. Every time I’m impressed. Impressed by the humans body and myself. After all, I’m the person who is swimming this morning. I like to push my body to its limit. It makes me feel like I can do anything. It makes me stronger; therefore, I work hard to achieve; the results show; it’s worth it, because I do swim well during the race. The adrenaline is running in my body; I can feel it. I’m on the bloc and my heart is pounding. â€Å"BANG†, the race begins. â€Å"PLOUSH† I’m inside the cold water. My arms are in harmony and my body’s doing this ripple. I try to give it all I have. I touch the wall. The water is getting warmer. I continue to swim. My arms are tired. â€Å"Why did I choose butterfly?† The girl on the left hand side is in my view. The adrenaline is growing. My body is in pain. I have no more energy. I touch the wall. The race is ending. I finish in front of the girl beside me. I’m proud. The guy tells me my time. It’s my best time ever. A second time, I push my body and my brain to their limits. I know I can do what I really want. I’m doing something special. This makes me stronger everyday, and now I know I can do what seems impossible. I am a person with self-confidence. I know I can do whatever I want. My training gives me four useful qualities: punctuality, perseverance, organization and good health. These qualities are necessary in life, when you have a job, when you go to school and when you are training. With my currents training, I’m a better person, and I know I can walk, head high, through all the ups and downs of life.

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