Thursday, May 14, 2020

Anti Death Penalty Essay - 1721 Words

Disasters in Death Introduction I. Roosevelt Collins, a black man in Alabama, was convicted of rape, sentenced to death, and executed in 1937. Roosevelt testified that the â€Å"victim† who was white had consented to sex, which caused a near-riot in the courtroom. The all-white jury deliberated for only FOUR minutes. Later interviews with several jurors revealed that although they believed the act was consensual, they also thought that he deserved death simply for â€Å"messin’ around† with a white woman. Even the judge, off the record, admitted his belief that Roosevelt was telling the truth, QUOTE: â€Å"An innocent man went to his death.† Horace Dunkins was executed on July 17, 1989. His attorney never told the jury he was mentally retarded, with†¦show more content†¦ii. Data: When an execution is, in fact, carried out it will cost an additional 2.5 to 3 million dollars per execution. iii. Data: There are currently 3,061 inmates waiting to be e xecuted, which will cost approximately $9.1 billion while giving them life imprisonment without the possibility of parole would cost $3 billion. b. Supporting Point: The death penalty brings with it many issues of morality. i. Data: As it is put on the homepage of in an article entitled â€Å"Campaign to end the Death Penalty,† it is cruel and unusual punishment to put someone to death. c. Supporting Point: Innocent people are getting lost in the turmoil. i. Data: Also on the website in a page entitled, â€Å"Death Penalty Focus,† it states that 23 innocent people have been unjustly put to death for crimes they did not commit. ii. Data: On the sociology website of NI University, it is stated that a man named Sie Dawson was put to death and then later discovered to be innocent. Transition: Chandra has just described a few of the major problems with the Death Penalty including the inexcusable wrongful executions that have and will take place. In fact, just this Sunday night on the news show Dateline on NBC, they did a report on the release of a death row inmate.Show MoreRelated Anti-Death Penalty Essay2191 Words   |  9 PagesAnti-Death Penalty History: The death penalty is not a new idea in our world. Its origins date back 3,700 years to the Babylonian civilization, where it was prescribed for a variety of crimes (Kronenwetter p.10). It was also greatly used in the Greek and Roman empires. In ancient Roman and Mosaic Law they believed in the rule of â€Å"eye for and eye.† The most famous executions of the past included Socrates and Jesus (Wilson p.13). 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