Monday, January 20, 2020

Mongols and Europe :: essays research papers

Change Over Time Essay: Mongols and Europe Over the years there have been many great nomadic groups, such as the Vikings and the Kievan, but no nomadic group has been more successful than the Mongols. The Mongols have had many lasting influences on Russia, China, and even Europe. The Mongols have left a mark on the European trading systems in technologies as well as in their trading systems trade routes. One thing that stayed the same throughout Europe was their many religion. Although the Mongols set their primary trading system along the Silk Road, the Mongols also set out trade in Europe. The Mongols had a passport like system used mainly in China, because of the long distant trade through regions many languages were encountered, thus the paisa or passport comes in play. The paisa is said to have an inscription which is said to be the permission from the ruler to travel through the region. The paisa or passport was brought by the Mongols to Europe, and then adopted by the European. Many nomadic tribes were uneducated and illiterate, much like the Mongols, because the Mongols were so uneducated this made it harder for them to navigate along the oversea trade routes of Europe. The Mongols were a nomadic group known for their skills of horse riding and their ability and skill to shoot a crossbow over amazing distances. Since the Mongols were so great by horse back, the trade in Europe went from to the majority of people trading by land. But because of the none stop traveling of nomadic groups, this lead to no set or given religion for the Mongols, this helped the different religions of Europe stay constant.

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