Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay on Columbine Shooters - 1232 Words

Bibliography Cullen, Dave. â€Å"The Depressive and the Psychopath: The FBI’s Analysis of the Killers Motives† The Columbine Alamac (20 April 2004) Janofsky, Michael. Year Later, Columbine Is Learning to Cope While Still Searching for Answers. New York Times (17 April 2000) Luzadder, Dan and Vaughan, Kevin. â€Å"Inside Columbine Investigation† Denver Rocky Mountain News (19 December 1999 ) This paper is going to explore what effect the labeling theory had in regards to the tragedy at Columbine High School. Were these two students labeled, to what extent and how if any did this labeling affect the events that took place in Jefferson county that fateful day. The events that took place April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School†¦show more content†¦When looking at the events at Columbine High School most Americans have reached one of two conclusions as to Why they did it. The first being the pair were outcasts of â€Å"Trench Coat Mafia† and were taking revenge against bullies what had made school miserable for them. The second conclusion is that this massacre is inexplicable and we will never be able to understand what drove them to such horrific violence. However the FBI and world renowned mental health experts such as psychiatrist Dr. Frank Ochberg and supervising Special Agent Dwayne Fuselier of FBI have come to very different conclusions. The first mis conception is that the social cliques that occur in high schools across the nation has a role in this tragedy. Columbine is not simply a school shooting but is rather a shooting that the gunmen chose the school as their tool. School shooters tend to act impulsively and attack the targets of their rage mainly the students and faculty. Harris and Klebold planned for a year and dreamed much bigger. The school served as a means to a grander end, to terrorize the entire nation by attacking a symbol of American life. The shooters talk in numerous video tapes about their act being bigger than the Oklahoma city bombings. They boasted about making sure there bloody performance was bigger and more memorable. Klebold is particular was quoted as bragging about inflicting â€Å"the most deaths in U.S. history. Columbine wasShow MoreRelatedA Better Prepared For Active Shooter Situations1254 Words   |  6 Pages To be better prepared for active shooter situations it is important to understa nd the history and make up of an active shooter, and what to do in the event of an active shooter situation. Active shooter situations are becoming more and more frequent, due to the fact that they are rising in occurrences, it is essential to know how you can better prepare yourself for such an event. 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