Wednesday, February 5, 2020

ESOLLinguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ESOLLinguistics - Essay Example Furthermore, written text production is always part of the general dynamics of human behavior. People write (or speak) because they want to achieve particular goals in particular situations in a particular way, or because they cannot achieve them in nonlinguistic ways. Consequently, written text production should not (only) be reconstructed as the outcome of separate subsystems, but its theoretical reconstruction must show the greatest possible compatibility with the relevant processes investigated in general psychology (i.e., with perceptive, cognitive, motivational and emotional processes). Basically, Writing is a demanding cognitive activity, yet some people appear to write without great effort. Writing involves both engagement (the direct recording of conceptual associations) and reflection (the deliberate and cognitively demanding process of re-representing embedded processes and exploring cognitive structures). An engaged writer who has created an appropriate context and constraints can be carried along by the flow of mental association, without deliberative effort. Most writing involves deliberate planning, but also makes use of chance discovery. The products of engaged writing become source material to inspire and constrain deliberate planning.

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