Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Visual Marketing Communications Among The Millennial...

This chapter of the report will present the methodology that is going to be conducted in order to achieve the empirical analysis of the data on visual marketing communications amongst the millennial generation. The aim of this chapter is to indicate the research methodology selected and explain why focus groups and in-depth interviews have been selected as the appropriate methods in this instance compared to alternative approaches. In addition, this chapter covers methods of data analysis, type of data collected and the research design. Finally, this chapter explains the strategy for the sampling of the research and whether any instruments are employed during the collection and analysis of the data, ensuring reliable results and that the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, a qualitative approach was considered more relevant as it allowed greater capacity to gain more depth and meaning on the subject matter based on an individual’s experiences (Patton, 2005). As focus groups have no statistical numerical answers, the purpose of this study is to provide participants with the opportunity for opinions and fluid discussions amongst the rest of the group. As previously highlighted in Chapter 2, there is little research linking visual marketing communications to the millennial generation, which is why qualitative data is suitable for studying scenarios where little is known on the topic. This also provides an opportunity for the researcher to gain a new perspective on the area of research (Gill, Stewart, Treasure Chadwick, 2008; Miles Huberman, 1994). Another key distinction and justification for using focus groups is that they enable interaction and trust, exploring solutions to particular problems as a unit, which would be less accessible with other research methods such as questionnaires (Gill et al., 2008). However, as illustrated in Chapter 2, many academics suggest millennials enjoy socialisation. It could, therefore, be argued that there is potential for bias in a group setting within the criteria of the participants in this study. Nevertheless, as the intended research focuses on psychology, primarily buyer behaviour and visual communication analysis, qualitative research is the common method

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