Thursday, December 26, 2019

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill A Human Rights Issue

Caitlin Morse A10904065 8 June 2015 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Human Rights Issue In April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, polluting the Gulf of Mexico with 4.9 million barrels of oil (EPA, 2015). This disaster is known as the BP oil spill, and is regarded as one of the worst environmental catastrophes in American history. Although it is widely recognized for its impact on ocean ecosystems, marine animals, and public health, it is also a human rights issue. The extensive impacts of the spill include the violations of the human rights to a healthy environment, livelihood, and housing. Further, the oil spill disproportionately affected low-income communities of color that are systematically excluded from protection against environmental harm. This adds to its relevance to human rights because all rights are intended to be enjoyed equally regardless of race, color, income, or other status. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill demonstrates how the legal system often fails to defend vulnerable people and the i nequalities associated with the damage and compensation of the disaster. Amnesty International published a detailed and comprehensive report on the human rights violations in the Gulf Coast. The authors highlight the six major violations: shortage of affordable housing, inadequate mental health care, inadequate primary health care, failure to rebuild, police corruption, and criminal justice issues (Amnesty International, 2010). The article focuses on how muchShow MoreRelatedThe Long Lasting Effects Of The Deepwater Horizon On The Gulf Of Mexico1544 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will discuss the long lasting effects on the economy from the explosion on the DeepWater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The events that took place on April 20, 2010 would go down in history as the worst deep sea oil spill in history. 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USDC (2012) reports that on April 20, 2010 examinations of the world concentrated on an oil platform in the Gulf, around 50 milesRead MoreEssay on BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico3115 Words   |  13 Pages An oil spill of 4.9 million barrels, which happened in 2010, created not only turmoil for the environment, but caused the economy to take a great hit from the loss of an important raw material. Transocean were the owners of the oil rig drilling on behalf of BP, who were the ones at fault for the spill. This event caused a stir in both the government and non-governmental organizations, because of the extensive damage that it caused. Federal investigations were put under way to determine theRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Bp3305 Words   |  14 Pageslargest oil and gas producer in the world, producing almost 3.8 million barrels per day. BP was founded in 1908 by William Knox D’Arcy in London, United Kingdom. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Visual Marketing Communications Among The Millennial...

This chapter of the report will present the methodology that is going to be conducted in order to achieve the empirical analysis of the data on visual marketing communications amongst the millennial generation. The aim of this chapter is to indicate the research methodology selected and explain why focus groups and in-depth interviews have been selected as the appropriate methods in this instance compared to alternative approaches. In addition, this chapter covers methods of data analysis, type of data collected and the research design. Finally, this chapter explains the strategy for the sampling of the research and whether any instruments are employed during the collection and analysis of the data, ensuring reliable results and that the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, a qualitative approach was considered more relevant as it allowed greater capacity to gain more depth and meaning on the subject matter based on an individual’s experiences (Patton, 2005). As focus groups have no statistical numerical answers, the purpose of this study is to provide participants with the opportunity for opinions and fluid discussions amongst the rest of the group. As previously highlighted in Chapter 2, there is little research linking visual marketing communications to the millennial generation, which is why qualitative data is suitable for studying scenarios where little is known on the topic. This also provides an opportunity for the researcher to gain a new perspective on the area of research (Gill, Stewart, Treasure Chadwick, 2008; Miles Huberman, 1994). Another key distinction and justification for using focus groups is that they enable interaction and trust, exploring solutions to particular problems as a unit, which would be less accessible with other research methods such as questionnaires (Gill et al., 2008). However, as illustrated in Chapter 2, many academics suggest millennials enjoy socialisation. It could, therefore, be argued that there is potential for bias in a group setting within the criteria of the participants in this study. Nevertheless, as the intended research focuses on psychology, primarily buyer behaviour and visual communication analysis, qualitative research is the common method

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business ethics issues in the movie Boiler room Essay Example For Students

Business ethics issues in the movie Boiler room Essay Business ethics issues in the movie Boiler room Business comprises principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. Stakeholders-investors, customers, interest groups, employees, the legal system, and the community often determine whether a specific behavior is right or wrong, ethical or unethical. Judgments of these groups influence societys acceptance or rejection of a business and its activities. Every business has a social responsibility toward society. That means to maximize positive affects and minimize negative affects on the society. Social responsibilities includes economic-to produce goods and services, that society needs at the price, that satisfy both-business and consumers, legal responsibility-laws that business must obey, ethical responsibilities-behaviors and activities that are expected of business by society, but are not codified in the law, philanthropic responsibilities-represent the companys desire to give back to society (charietys, volunteering, sponsoring). Ethical issues in business arise because of conflicts between an individuals personal moral philosophies and values and values or attitudes of organization in which a person works and a society in which one lives. Ethical issues can be identified in terms of the major participants and functions of business. Ethical issues related to ownership include conflicts between managers duties to the owners and their own interests, also separation of ownership and control of business. Financial issue includes, for example, the accuracy of reported financial documents. Ethical issues can acquire between manages and employees, then employees are asked to carry out assignments they consider unethical. Consumers and marketing issues are related to providing safe desired products for a fear price and not harming people and an environment. Accountants also face ethical dilemma, they have to deal with competition advertising commission. All of this places the accounting profession in situation of ethical risk. Ethical issues are also classified, as conflict of interest-when person has to choose between his own interests and companys interests. Communications-false and misleading communications can destroy costumers trust, for example, false advertisement, hard sell etc. Technology issue refers to both costumers and organizations. Using technology many businesses invade consumers privacy, by collecting an information, on the other hand, in organizations employers can obtain private information about their employees, and there is always honesty issue-what is fear and what is not. Issues related to fairness and honesty often arises in business, because many participants believe that business is a game or o warship and has his own rules. The movie Boiler room was a good example of the company, which doesnt believe in such thing as business ethics. In the beginning of the movie we see our main character running a home casino, which is not legal, but it is not such a big ethics issue. I think gambling is just passing time just like other hobbies. Nobody was promoting it or forcing people to come and gamble. Costumers chose to come themselves and had a good time, nobody was complaining. There was the only problem, the establishment was illegal, so the ownerput himself to risk, and if he will get caught he will go to jail. In my opinion, this part of the movie did not have business ethics issue. I think all the problems began then our guy started the new carrier as a broker in unknown brokerage firm. The institution there he started his carrier as a stock investment broker had no such thing as business ethics. The place did not look right from the beginning. First of all bosses where rude to employees. While interviewing candidates manager was very ignorant to his staff members. I dont think that employers should treat their employees this way, on the other hand all guys accepted it, which shows, that they dont have much respect for themselves and will do anything for money. In the ordinary company this behavior wouldnt be tolerated, it would raise conflict between management and employees. Allthough nobody was talking back to the manager they where all shocked and probably afraid to be faired. The manager was using psychological pressure to keep everybody under control, to avoid unwanted questions. The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages Essay Company was hiring uneducated and inexperienced people, which is very unusual and makes you think, about companys activities and policies. While unwritten companies policies where explained to the employees, I identi9fied another ethics issue. It .

Monday, December 2, 2019

United By Income Divided By Race Essay free essay sample

United By Income, Divided By Race Essay, Research Paper Rachel Thompson A22806249 SOC 316 Teacher: Hixson United by Income, Divided by Race America has been described as a # 8220 ; runing pot # 8221 ; # 8211 ; a land full of diverseness. With that diverseness comes a full scope of income degrees and positions of its dwellers, from the really, really rich to the destitute. Ronald Taylor # 8217 ; s article entitled # 8220 ; Afro-american Young person: Their Social and Economic Status in the United States # 8221 ; focal points on the issue of polarisation. Polarization occurs when an addition of the per centum of people in poorness coincides with an addition of the per centum of people with higher incomes. Fewer people are considered # 8216 ; in-between category # 8217 ; , but are either rich or hapless. This paper will concentrate on the destitute young person of America. How are today # 8217 ; s hapless white and hapless colored young person likewise? How do they differ? Sociologists and research workers have found grounds to warrant both, and I hope to concentrate on major points for both issues. We will write a custom essay sample on United By Income Divided By Race Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whether you # 8217 ; re white, Afro-american, or Hispanic, poorness for today # 8217 ; s young person has many repeating subjects. A recent article by Duncan and Brooks for The Education Digest points out some really discerning facts that face today # 8217 ; s hapless young person. # 8220 ; Low Income is linked with a assortment of hapless results for kids, from low birth weight and hapless nutrition in babyhood to increased opportunities of academic failure, emotional hurt, and unwed childbearing in adolescence. # 8221 ; ( Duncan A ; Brooks, pg. 1 ) . They besides claim that low-income kindergartners show hapless cognitive and verbal accomplishments because they are exposed to fewer playthings, books, and other brain-stimulating points at place than their higher-income schoolmates. Low-income striplings, in ulterior old ages, will see struggle between their economically stressed parents, every bit good as lower self-pride than other adolescent kids. An article from the Ojibwe News, a Native American Magazine, gives a startling statistic discovered by research analysts for the Minnesota Private College Research Foundation. They found that a kid from a household gaining $ 25,000 or less yearly is merely one-half as likely to inscribe in college as a kid from a household with an one-year income of $ 50,000 or more. Both white and colored young person in poorness experience a higher rate of teenage gestation, AIDS, and tend to populate in single-parent places. There are several differences that exist between white and colored young person that live in poorness. Recent research for low-income young person has shown that the most of import factor that contributes to the spread between employment rates of minority and white young person can be attributed to their societal web. Three grounds were cited in talk as to what take to the decline of life opportunities among Afro-american young person in poorness. They are as follows: 1. # 8220 ; Affirmative Action # 8221 ; chiefly helped better-educated, particularly professional workers. 2. Resettlement of industry to suburbs or abroad reduces # 8220 ; life pay # 8221 ; occupations for non-college educated. Lack of web contacts, plus go oning favoritism, puts minorities last in line. 3. Concentration of poorness in centre metropoliss. Higher income black households go to the suburbs for occupations. Therefore, loss of web contacts, community organisations, and the similar. These grounds attribute to the starling fact that Black poorness rates and unemployment rates remain at about 3 times the white rate. Israel and Seeborg in their article entitled # 8220 ; The Impact of Youth Characteristics and Experiences on Transitions out of Poverty # 8221 ; province that # 8220 ; # 8230 ; being black increases the chance of exposure to adverse societal and economic conditions ( i.e. underclass environment ) # 8230 ; # 8221 ; which, in bend, reduces the opportunity that new coevalss can acquire out of poorness. This leads us to another point # 8212 ; if African-Americans experience the highest rates of teenage gestation, which perpetuates go oning generational poorness, will there of all time be a clip when Afro-american striplings get out of poorness? It is non merely African-Americans that experience a more marked province of poorness. The Ojibwe News, a native American newspaper, focuses on the predicaments of Native American young person in Minnesota, every bit good as statistical grounds of other minority pupils. # 8220 ; Divided We Fall: The Declining Chance for College Among Minnesota Youth From Low-Income Families and Communities of Color # 8221 ; is based upon information from the Census Bureau, the Minnesota Department of Education and other beginnings, and examined high school dropout and college engagement rates and how they are affected by such socioeconomic factors as race, household income, and parental instruction ( Laird, pg. 2 ) . The Ojibwe News showed a strong correlativity between instruction and net incomes. Sing that the present support system for public schools normally provides from two to five times every bit much money for affluent school territories as for the poorest, and that Whites are twice every b it likely to hold good entree to computing machines, it is no surprise that this correlativity exists. Harmonizing to projections by the Minnesota Department of Education, 62 % of all black pupils and 56 % of all Native American pupils who entered public high school in the autumn of 1991 will drop out by 1995. About 50 % of Latino pupils and 21 % of Asiatic pupils were projected to drop out every bit good. The rate for white pupils? Merely 16 % . The article besides explains how those 18 to 24 year-old dependants with at least one parent who had completed four old ages of college were twice every bit likely to inscribe in college than those equals who parents had no post-secondary instruction ( Laird, pg. 1 ) . In drumhead, there exist many similarities and differences between white young person and colored young person in American metropoliss. A repeating solution emphasized by researches and in talk is the thought of socialisation. By incorporating hapless minority and hapless white pupils with their wealthier equals, as done in the Gautreaux plan, the continuance of poorness can be decreased. 55b Duncan, Greg. J. and Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne. # 8220 ; Consequences of Turning Up Poor # 8221 ; . The Education Digest March 1999 Vol. 64, No. 7. pp. 77. Israel, Mark and Seeborg, Michael. # 8220 ; The Impact of Youth Characteristics And Experiences on Transitions Out of Poverty # 8221 ; . The Journal of Socio Economics. 1998 pp. 1-6. Laird, David B. Jr. # 8220 ; Minority Students from Low-Income Families Face Huge Hurdles in Advancing to College # 8221 ; . The Ojibwe News: Cultural News Watch. May 1994 Vol. 5, No. 45. pp. 2.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Way to Modernism essays

The Way to Modernism essays The Victorian Era was a period of morality, modesty and propriety. These qualities were reflected in the art, music and literature of this time. Many of these great artists, writers and musicians longed for change and began experimenting with new styles and techniques in their works. Their experiments led to a rejection of tradition and became the movement toward modernism. Georges Seurat, a post-impressionist, Henrik Ibsen, a writer and Igor Stravinsky, a musician all contributed their works to the movement toward the modern era. Georges Seurat was a post-impressionist in the 19th century. He used tiny dots of paint in order to create his works. His piece, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte is a perfect example of this technique. The public was quick to reject Seurats unique concept of pointillism. The doll-like figures used in his paintings were considered to be unrealistic and different from the traditional paintings they were use to seeing. The public was not open to change and the abandoning of tradition was shocking. Today, many of the geometrically shaped figures seen in his works have been created using the same concept in computer animation films. With this being said, it is evident that Georges Seurat has played a major role in the development of the modern era and computer science. Henrik Ibsen was the most famous play writer in his day. His play A Dolls House caused the most controversy and was banned from the stage. This play told a story about a woman who realizes the small part she had been playing in her husbands life. She states, Ever since the fist day we met, we have never exchanged so much as one serious word about serious things, referring to the fact that her husband never speaks to her about important situations. In the end she walks out the door and leaves her husband in a confused state of mind. The thought of a woman leaving her husband and being on her ow...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Geographic Facts About Easter Island

10 Geographic Facts About Easter Island Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui, is a small island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and is considered a special territory of Chile. Easter Island is most famous for its large moai statues that were carved by native peoples between 1250 and 1500. The island is also considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site and much of the islands land belongs to the Rapa Nui National Park. Easter Island has been in the news because many scientists and writers have used it as a metaphor for our planet. Easter Islands native population is believed to have overused its natural resources and collapsed. Some scientists and writers claim that global climate change and resource exploitation may lead to the planet collapsing as did the population on Easter Island. These claims, however, are highly disputed. Interesting Facts The following is a list of the 10 most important geographic facts to know about Easter Island: Although scientists do not know for sure, many claim that human habitation of Easter Island began around 700-1100 C.E. Almost immediately upon its initial settlement, the population of Easter Island began to grow and the islands inhabitants (Rapanui) began to build houses and moai statues. The moai are believed to represent status symbols of the different Easter Island tribes.Because of Easter Islands small size of only 63 square miles (164 sq km), it quickly became overpopulated and its resources were rapidly depleted. When Europeans arrived on Easter Island between the late 1700s and early 1800s, it was reported that the moai were knocked down and the island seemed to have been a recent war site.Constant warfare between tribes, a lack of supplies and resources, disease, invasive species and the opening of the island to foreign slave trade eventually led to Easter Islands collapse by the 1860s.In 1888, Easter Island was annexed by Chile. Use of the island by Chile varied, but during the 1900s it was a sheep farm and was managed by the Chilean Navy. In 1966, the entire island was opened to the public and the remaining Rapanui people became citizens of Chile. As of 2009, Easter Island had a population of 4,781. The official languages of the island are Spanish and Rapa Nui, while the main ethnic groups are Rapanui, European and Amerindian.Because of its archaeological remains and its ability to help scientists study early human societies, Easter Island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.Although it is still inhabited by humans, Easter Island is one of the worlds most isolated islands. It is approximately 2,180 miles (3,510 km) west of Chile. Easter Island is also relatively small and has a maximum altitude of only 1,663 feet (507 meters). Easter Island also has no permanent source of freshwater.Easter Islands climate is considered subtropical maritime. It has mild winters and year-round cool temperatures and abundant precipitation. The lowest average July temperature on Easter Island is around 64 F (18 C) while its highest temperatures are in February and average about 82 F (28 C).Like many Pacific Islands, the physical landscape of Easter Island is dominated by volcanic topography and it was formed geologically by three extinct volcanoes. Easter Island is considered a distinct eco-region by ecologists. At the time of its initial colonization, the island is believed to have been dominated by large broadleaf forests and palm. Today, however, Easter Island has very few trees and is mainly covered with grasses and shrubs. Sources Diamond, Jared. 2005. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Penguin Books: New York, New York.Easter Island. (March 13, 2010). Wikipedia.Rapa Nui National Park. (March 14, 2010). UNESCO World Heritage.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business ethics - Essay Example The management of human resources begins at recruitment and with that there are two strong ethical concerns for all companies. These are the dual issues of following anti-discrimination practices and equal opportunity guidelines (Lockwood, 2005). Simply put, all candidates must be viewed and hired based on their strengths and weaknesses as applicants without giving any biases to their race, gender, age, or physical abilities except in certain situations where such requirements may be an intrinsic part of the job (Alleyne, 2005). As discussed by Clarke (2005), a lot remains to be done in this particular field. Given that the nature of the job in an office setting may include guidelines for inclusion and accessibility may also be a mandatory requirement, there are very few exceptions to the ethical guidelines that can be taken by a company. Without exception, the person making the hiring decision for the company should follow ethical principles and it should be assumed by him/her that the law applies in the fullest sense during the recruitment process. Even before a person is hired, there are ethical requirements which must be observed in the selection and interview process including the idea of confidentiality as well as protecting the privacy of all candidates (Welch, 2005). While applying for the job, candidates may give out information such as email addresses that are considered to be private information in ethical terms and that must be kept secure by the company. After the recruitment has been completed, there are explicit contracts of employment that have to be ethically created and administered by HR professionals as a matter of following the laws of the land. However, there may also be implicit contracts which Emott (2006) suggests are the unspoken understandings between the organization and the workers as they relate to both the expectations of the workers and the obligations of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE LABOUR MARKET - Essay Example Introduction The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereafter referred to as United Kingdom, UK, or Britain) is a unity state consists of four countries namely England, Scotland and Northern Island. It governs its people under a constitutional monarchy through parliamentary system. UK has been known as a country that had pioneered the phenomenon that changed the course of history known as the Industrial Revolution. Thus, United Kingdom holds the pride of being the world’s first industrialised country in history. As the world history progress however, UK was also one of the first countries that would face the brunt of two world wars. UK suffered serious setbacks during the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, despite of the economic and social setbacks of World War I and II to Great Britain, it proved its resilience as it stands to be one of the most politically influential countries in the world in both arenas of politics and economy at present. The State of Un ited Kingdom has able to maintain its stature as a highly developed country. Britain’s economy is being run based on the principles of market liberalization and low taxation and regulation1. Perhaps, it can easily be claimed that globalization dictates United Kingdom’s economy and have a great influence in the decision making process of the political spectrum. Globalization has become the centre and the primary the very influential consideration in United Kingdom’s trade and bargain system with other states or countries. UK government depends on the unyielding interface of markets, countries, technologies, and capital in a much cheaper and faster rate that globalization brings. The UK government believes that the key to success in business is to integrate one’s self in the international and cross-cultural communication, collaboration, and cooperation2. Thus, United Kingdom plays a role of crucial importance in the world’s globalization thrust being one of the world’s biggest capitalist magnates. This is the reason why the British government has been one of the most active states to the different world trade meetings, conferences, and conventions. Just recently, the UK government announce its more active involvement with the European Union, World Trade Organization (WTO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the G20 as part of its strategy for strengthening the multilateral trading system3. Being one of the most open economies in the world, United Kingdom calls for a strong, sustainable and open economy that would benefit business domestically and internationally. UK recognizes the significant impact of globalization in its economy4. Albeit criticisms and pessimist perceptions on the effects of an all-out open economy, the government of the United Kingdom pursues the direction of globalization as its economic agenda. British government believes that globalization is more significant to the U K’s economy now compared than before. Notwithstanding the fact that most economic critique blame the concept of globalization in the crises besetting United Kingdom’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria Essay The question of an acceptable formula for revenue sharing among the component tiers of the Nigerian nation is one of the most protracted and controversial debates in the political and macroeconomic management of the economy. This debate has its foundations in the history and evolution of the Nigerian federation. â€Å"Revenue allocation or the statutory distribution of revenue from the Federation Account among the different levels of government has been one of the most contentious and controversial issues in the nation’s political life. So contentious has the matter been that none of the formulae evolved at various times by a commission or by decree under different regimes since 1964 has gained general acceptability among the component units of the country. Indeed, the issue, like a recurring decimal, has painfully remained the first problem that nearly every incoming regime has had to grapple with since independence. In the process, as many as thirteen different attempts have been made in devising an acceptable revenue allocation formula, each of which is more remembered for the controversies it generated than issues settled† Fiscal federalism refers to the scope and structure of the tiers of government responsibilities and functions as well as the allocation of resources among the tiers of government. Perhaps the most important issue of fiscal federalism is the revenue allocation formula, the sharing of national revenue among the various tiers of government (vertical revenue sharing) as well as the distribution of revenue among the state governments (that is, horizontal revenue allocation). The centralization of Nigeria’s fiscal federalism began with the report of the Dina Commission (1968) which argued that an appropriate revenue allocation system should result in a more equitable distribution of revenue among the states to achieve a balanced development of the federation. Revenue allocation can be described as a method(s) of sharing the centrally generated revenue among the different tiers of government and how the amount allocated to a particular tier is shared among its components. Nigeria is a federal state – under the federal system of government, federation or centrally-generated revenue is shared among the three levels of government, namely; the federal government, the states and the local governments. The theory of revenue sharing in a federal state is that each level of government receives an allocation of financial resources tailored to their specific requirements as defined by the mandate of legislative competence, their actual situation and the statutory indices of calculation. In Nigeria, decisions as to what proportion of centrally-generated revenue that would be retained by the federal government, the proportion that will be shared among the state governments and the proportion that will go to the local government has always been a problem, due to the fact that there is no consensus of opinion as to what could be seen as an ideal formula. The principles that guide the implementation of intergovernmental fiscal relations include: (a) The Principle of Diversity: The federal system must have the ability to accommodate a large variety of diversities. Hence, the fiscal system must provide scope for variety and differences to supply national, regional and local public goods. (b) The Principle of Equivalence: Based on the geographical incidence of different public goods, allocative efficiency requires the equalization of locational advantages arising from inter-jurisdictional differences with a combination of taxes and public goods and services. This requires the use of fiscal instruments for achieving macroeconomic objectives of growth, stabilization and full employment by residents of different geopolitical units; this requirement controls for what is often referred to as â€Å"central city exploitation thesis†. (d) Minimum Provision of Essential Goods and Services: This ensures that fiscal federalism guarantees all citizens, irrespective of where they reside, the minimum provision of ertain basic public goods and services. (e) Principle of Fiscal Equalization: In order to ensure a minimum level of public goods and services same degree of fiscal equalization is required. This is as a result of differences in resource endowment. (f) The Efficiency Principle: This principle implies that efficiency must be applied in the allocation of resources (g) The Principle of Derivation: The component units of a system should be able to control some of its own resources as they desire. h) The Principle of Locational Neutrality: Interregional fiscal differences tend to influence location choices of individuals and firms. Therefore, policy should focus on minimizing distortions due to some interference. Hence, differential taxes which create locational distortions should be avoided as much as practicable. (i) The Principle of Centralized Redistribution: This principle states that the redistribution function of fiscal policy through progressive taxation and expenditure programmes should be centralized at the federal level. That is, if the redistributive function is decentralized, it can result in distortions in location decisions. It should be noted that the above principles are not mutually consistent. There are several challenges and contending issues confronting intergovernmental fiscal relations in Nigeria: 1) Non – Correspondence Problem Ideally, each level of government should be given adequate resources to allow it discharge its responsibilities. Because this is not possible, there is usually a lack of correspondence between the spending responsibilities and the tax powers/revenue sources assigned to different levels of government. It is this incongruence that is often referred to as the non-correspondence problem. In Nigeria, most of the major sources of revenue come under the jurisdiction of the federal government yet lower levels of government are supposed to generate internal revenue. There is, therefore, the need to resolve the imbalance between assigned functions and tax powers. The issues concerning fiscal relations among the constituent units of the Nigerian federation that remain mostly unresolved are the divergence between assigned functions and tax powers, principle of horizontal and vertical revenue allocation, dependence of states and local governments on federal sources of funding, tendency towards concentration and federal presence in the states (Fadahunsi, 1998). The five principles currently applied in the horizontal revenue allocation formula are far from acceptable to all the stakeholders. 2) Fiscal Autonomy and Independence The issue of relative fiscal autonomy and independence of the state and local governments in a true federal structure goes with the corollary issue of the correspondence of governmental functions and revenue sources. Since the creation of the twelve-state structure in 1967, states and local governments have been excessively dependent on the Federation Account. This independence must be reduced if the federating units are to be free to pursue their own development goals without being hampered by the unpredictable fluctuations in their shares of the Federation Account. It is important that revenue sources should be reallocated and made compatible with the fluctuations stated for each tier of government to enhance steady and proper funding of administrative and developmental activities instead of the often experienced unexpected financial constrictions at the two lower tiers of government. 3) Oil Producing States, Oil Producing Local Government Administrative Areas or Communities Professor Omo Omoruyi in his treatise â€Å"the Politics of Oil: who owns the oil, Nigeria, states or communities† (2000) raised three salient questions on true ownership of oil in Nigeria. The question of local control over local resources is an established constitutional principle in federal systems. But the way the Nigerian federal system developed under the external colonial order (1954-60) and continued under the period of geo-ethno-military internal colonial order (1960-1999) and in the democratic dispensation between 1999 to date is yet an unresolved contending issues in the discourse about Nigeria’s federalism. He challenged the â€Å"Tripod† approach to Nigeria’s problem where the three major ethnic nationalities decide the content and the trend of national issues. This tripod approach to Nigerian politics, should have been done away with by now, with the introduction of the notion of ‘federal character’, which takes states in the federation as the units of representation. The tripod approach to Nigerian politics applies to how the oil, which comes from the non-majority areas, is approached in the political and economic discourse. We should also be aware of the feeling among the majority ethnic nationalities that the areas producing oil by virtue of powerlessness in the military and politics should not be allowed to lay claim to the oil from their areas as of right†. However, theres a distinction between oil producing communities and oil producing states. This is the basis of the activities of the Traditional Rulers of the Producing Communities who are dealing with the President and want the money due to states on the basis of the 13% derivation in the Constitution should be paid to the â€Å"oil producing communities/local government areas†. The Traditional Rulers’ argument is that â€Å"communities† own oil and not â€Å"states†. This is an unresolved issue and separates the communities in riverside areas directly affected by oil spillages from their compatriots in landed areas from enjoying the full benefits of allocations to producing states. One does not know the end of this argument. How should the National Assembly address this matter? The federal government should find a way of making the oil producing local government administrative areas as shareholders in the joint venture arrangements with the oil companies, thus making them stakeholders in the oil industry. There was the issue of who should be spending the oil money. Should it be the Nigerian government in conjunction with the oil producing areas? Should it be the oil producing areas alone? The Constitution from 1960 till after the civil war up till 1978 gave the right of ownership to the federal government but the proceeds were shared between the federal government and the regions or states on the basis of derivation like the agricultural crops. 4) Federation Account and the Derivation Fund It is important to define what constitutes the Federation Account – to which the various vertical revenue allocation formulae have been applied and what should be directly financed from it. Up to 1990, the amount accruing yearly to the Federation Account was still over 96% of totally federally collected revenue; but since 1991, when it first dropped to about 75% and nose-dived to around 35% by 1997, it showed no sign of recovery (Olowononi, 1999). It is therefore clear, that in such a situation, whatever the vertical formula applicable, there must still be a serious fiscal imbalance between the ederal government and the two lower tiers of government. It is crucial to redress this revenue imbalance in the spirit of balanced true federalism. What appears to account for this imbalance is the assertion of the self-claimed right by the federal government to finance various first-line charges from the Federation Account before the application of the vertical formula. The first-line charges include funding for external debt service, national priority projects, NNPC priority projects, special reserve account, and excess proceeds of the crude oil sales account, and in addition, the joint venture cash calls account. These deductions are made from the proceeds of crude oil sales before the derivation fund in the Federation Account is arrived at, and after which further deductions for special funds and the funding of the federal capital territory are made. It will seem more logical, with the exception of the joint venture case calls, that these various charges which are federal government obligations be financed solely from the federal government’s revenue proper, that is, from its share of the Federation Account or from its revenue from other sources. Therefore, in order to determine what constitutes the derivation fund, resolving the issue of the Federation Account is crucial. Thereafter, the derivation formula to be utilized can be arrived at. 5) Oil – Producing Areas and the Derivation Principle The crude oil production has been the most important economic activity in the Nigerian economy since the early 1970s is not subject to debate. Its impact is not limited to its contributing almost 90% of Nigeria’s total foreign exchange earnings but also to the fact that the national budgets are predicated on the expected annual production and price of crude oil.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Tinnitus :: Health Hearing Loss Noise Loud Essays

Tinnitus A police officer fires his handgun while target practicing. He forgot to put on his ear muffs and suddenly after the shot, he hears a faint buzzing sound. In this example, over time, the ringing will probably fade for the officer. Almost everyone will experience tinnitus in their lifetime. After all, loud noises are impossible to avoid completely. There is only a problem when the sound from the tinnitus does not stop, or it continues to get louder with time. For many people around the world, the ringing, buzzing, hissing or chirping sounds that make up tinnitus (tin-Night-us; Tin-nit-us) or acoustic trauma never go away (Alliance). There are several definitions of the word tinnitus. Tinnitus Away defines it as "a noise heard in the ear, or the sensation of noise as a ringing that is purely subjective." Hear USA says tinnitus is "a noise heard in the ears." According to, Tinnitus was defined in 1999 as a sensory disorder. What does all of this mean? Basically, tinnitus is the perception of sound by an individual when there is no external source of that sound. Sound burst hearing loss is due to damage to the auditory receptors, the hair cells, inside the ear. The vibration of these hair follicles is what allows humans to hear so when they become damaged, the auditory sense is set off, and the resulting noise is the sound heard by millions of tinnitus sufferers. The other damage done to the ear by sound bursts that creates hearing loss is the deflation of the cochlea. This damage is usually caused by prolonged exposure to a continuous loud noise. Acoustic traumas are caused by an explosive sound, sudden and loud, that can cause hearing loss (Goldstein, 2002). The effects of these traumas can fade. However, they do not always go away. A college student who had a fire cracker explode in his hand only fifteen inches from his ear still had a ringing sensation two years after the incident. According to the Internet Armory, sound is physically just a rapid change in air pressure above and below the atmospheric pressure. The decibel, dB, named after Alexander Graham Bell, is used to describe this change in pressure. Zero dB is the threshold of human hearing, and 120 dB is the pain threshold. Decibels increase logarithmically so 10 dB is 10 times as powerful as one dB, and twenty dB is ten times as powerful as that.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hbs: Jetblue Airlines Managing Growth

Analyzing each of these areas we recommend that Getable Implement (A) a new employee selection strategy, (B) a formalized training program, and (C) a reference management system to continue fostering employee autonomy and motivation. II. Analysis Stable's rapid growth presents a potentially costly problem. In terms of strategy, Getable avoids the common airline problem with unions by investing heavily in (1) selection, (2) culture, and (3) systems, areas in which it can grant employee autonomy and foster motivation. While this strategy works currently, these areas do not have the fundamental Institutions to survive the company's growth.People: employee selection and hiring: Currently, Getable constructs highly motivated teams using both n in-depth selection process and role customization. Stable's human resources (HRS) department uses behavioral interviews, where all interviewers reach consensus, to determine applicant cultural fit and value alignment. By closely controlling employee quality and fit, Getable can offer employees significant autonomy and fulfill their higher order â€Å"esteem† needs. In addition, Getable developed customized compensation, benefits, and work structures per role that align with each group's respective desires.The hiring and compensation structures have two main results: 1 ) Jet Blue can attract top talent that matches the organization and (2) the company reinforces overall fairness by tailoring each role. While currently successful, Stable's hiring process is a hindrance to its continued growth as it is not scalable. Getable will Increase its workforce 400% in a limited timeshare to meet Its internal growth targets. The current selection process will fall because Getable does not have the HRS resources or time to personally interview all applicants multiple times.If Getable maintains its current hiring practices, it risks losing quality employees and grunting the fairness and autonomy that it currently offers. Culture throu gh values, employees, and approachability: Stable's value-centric, employee focused, and approachable culture motivates employees, attracts talent, differentiates the firm, and enforces the company's values. First, the company establishes culture by focusing on values. Stable's top management locked themselves in a New York hotel and defined the company's core values that align with Its strategy and culture.These values gulled Stable's hiring, strategy, dally operations, and employee evaluation. Second, Getable focuses on meeting employee needs. Through customized and 1 OFF clear signals that employees are a priority and treated fairly. Third, the management is approachable to all employees. Stories of David Melanin, CEO, working as flight attendant and responding directly to crew member suggestions, or Dave Barge, COO, staying on the plane with his family helping the cleanup crew were famous among employees.These actions reinforce that coaches and teams work in a fair â€Å"find a team solution† environment instead of â€Å"pointing fingers† culture visible in other airlines. The combination of clear values, employee focus, and management approachability gives Getable a culture that motivates employees through visible fairness and clear expectations. While Stable's culture has succeeded, it lacks more formal embedding mechanisms to survive substantial growth and prevent cultural dilution. Stable's current culture practices require a method by which to formally spread and reinforce the norms to all new and existing employees as the company expands.If Getable fails to sustain its culture, it risks compromising employee motivation and, as a result, its mechanisms that prevent unionization. Performance systems: To deliver low-fare airline tickets to customers, Getable uses genealogy to cut operating costs. Stable's â€Å"paperless environment† not only saves paper and resources, but also is a motivating factor. Each pilot's laptop computer al lows him to eliminate monotonous work required for pre-flight checks and further focus on his Job, helping satisfy his need for interesting work.While technological systems help Getable develop a competitive advantage, their employee performance management systems are limited. Currently, Getable â€Å"coaches† review workers' performance informally along the company's five values. Because the company does not have more explicit expectations, the procedures risk Ewing perceived as unfair. As the company grows it must explicitly correlate performance to expectations to continue motivating employees. Ill. Recommendations We recommend a multi-faceted and integrated solution that addresses Stable's scalability problems regarding their people, culture, and systems.First, we recommend that Getable use metrics and refine its hiring process. Second, we recommend that Getable pursue a formal training program. Third, we recommend that Getable construct a formal performance management sy stem. Institute a performance metrics hiring selection process: We recommend using two online tests hat identify interpretable candidates. The first test will use multiple choice and review an individual's personality against Stable's five core values. The second test is role-specific and measures each individual's work skills.Getable will then interview candidates that perform well on both tests only once. Getable can compare test results with career success and identify desirable characteristics from testing. This process will simultaneously (a) speed hiring practices, (b) significantly reduce costs associated with a talent search, and (c) improve employee fit while meeting workforce deeds. This improved efficiency will allow Getable to continue offering employees significant autonomy as the company grows. A potential hurdle is that individuals may attempt to cheat the tests.We contend this will not be a major problem. These individuals will either not pass the interview round, be terminated quickly, or potentially absorb the Getable culture through the training. Construct a formal management and new employees engage in mandatory â€Å"core training. † First, Getable must implement an all roles new hire orientation that focuses on values and the company goals. This will foster a shared company identity and create formal culture embedding. Top management involvement will reinforce that values and culture are universal from CEO to cleanup crew.Second, Getable must offer role specific training where employees are introduced to their coaches. This training will, along with teaching necessary Job skills, outline each role's expectations, how it fits at Getable, and how each coach will help their employees develop. To ensure ongoing success, Getable should survey employees before the training about their expectations along with their feedback afterwards. Getable must then improve the program based on the feedback, further fostering a collaborative team envi ronment.The training program ensures that Getable will reinforce company identity and embed its culture as the workforce grows. Implement a formal performance management system: We recommend that Getable adopt a formal performance management system to properly motivate employees. First, this system must formally outline each role's expectations. This mandates that each role have both specific and accessible expectation by which coaches and peers can evaluate each other. Second, Getable must provide employees tit semi-annual â€Å"360† performance feedback.This feedback will allow both coaches and the employees' peers to review their performance along the company values and role expectations. Third, employees must give formal feedback to both their coaches and Getable. This feedback fosters a greater company identity and helps coaches understand how to help employees. By implementing a more explicit performance management system, Getable can demonstrate fairness across employe es and roles that will continue to motivate workers as the company grows. ‘V. Conclusion Stable's competitive edge comes from its ability to discourage unionization and, s a result, it can keep costs low.Unions fulfill employee needs and culture when the parent company fails to do so. Currently, Getable uses a combination of successful selection, cultural practices, and systems to motivate employees and meet their needs; however, these will not survive Stable's growth. To continue motivating employees through autonomy, shared identity, clear expectations, and fair practices, Getable must implement an improved hiring process, a formal training program, and a performance management system. These changes will help Getable retain its competitive edge as it expands.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kudler Foods †Expanding their Business towards Catering

Kudler Fine Foods is a rapidly expanding public alimentation business in California. They organize their activity within three retail stores: the first in La Jolla, the second in Del Mar and the third one in Encinitas. Kudler products are mostly fine products, and the customers are being provided with numerous delicatessens. The net advantage that separates Kudler from other competitors is represented by the relatively low prices. Kudler’s policy is to insure the best quality of their products at affordable costs. After having registered impressive success on the market, Kudler is now considering launching into the catering business as well. This means that the producer would have to acquire additional space, employ certified chefs and distribute the food to several social events. Investing in such a business opportunity implies a multitude of risks. Therefore, prior to starting a catering business, marketing specialists need to analyze the market and develop a plan for the business. The Marketing Mix The marketing mix is a combination of four crucial elements, also known as the 4Ps: product, place, price and promotion. In order to insure the success of its strategy, the manager at Kudler Fine Foods needs to base his decisions on the effects that these four elements generate upon the targeted market. The Product The catering product offered by Kudler is a complex one as it is both a product as well as it is   service. The product is represented by the actual food presented to the customer and the services are the making of the food and its delivery to the address requested by the customer. Regarding the product, the manager has to make several decisions, such as: brand name, functionality, styling, safety, quality, packaging, warranty, accessories and services. (NetMBA, Business Knowledge Center). The Kudler catering products are mostly designed for two occasions: social events and lunch meals for employees. The main characteristics of both types of products are similar, in the meaning that they are meant to appease one's hunger. However, in the case of employee lunch, the foods would have a simple consistence whereas in the case of social events, the order would be more sophisticated,   consisting of numerous delicatessens, rare appetizers and desserts. The catering products would be distributed under the name and exclusive approval of Kudler Fine Foods Inc. The quality of the products would be in perfect accordance with the rename gained so far by Kudler: high and irreproachable quality. The packaging of the food would be Kudler's responsibility and they would contract a company specialized in manufacturing packages. These could be personalized for each occasion and they would definitely have written on them the the caterer's name and contact details. The warranty of alimentation products is a sensitive issue within caterers and their clients. Considering that the products are prone to rapidly deteriorate if kept in inappropriate conditions, the supplier has the moral and legal obligation to inform the customer of the conditions in which to properly preserve the food. If the customer respects the supplier's indications and the food still goes bad, the caterer will either replace it, either return the customer their money. Finally, the accessories and services provided by Kudler could include additional spice, pickles and drinks, dishes and table linens or trained personnel to wait on the quests. The additional charge for these accessories and services would be pre approved by both customer and caterer. The price of the products When it comes to determining the price of the catering products, the manager needs to decide upon several issues, among which are: pricing strategy, suggested retail price, establishing the volume of discounts and wholesale pricing, cash and early payment discounts, seasonal pricing or price flexibility (NetMBA, Business Knowledge Center). In order for Kudler Catering to benefit of a successful launch and gain as many customers as possible, they should implement pricing with 5% lower from the prices promoted by their competitors. Such a strategy would not raise significant difficulties for Kudler as the community already acknowledges them as a provider of high quality products at decent cost. Therefore, the catering products would easily offer customers an effective report qualityprice. Even if the prices are to be lower than those promoted by competitors, they should be established based on the company's costs. In this order of ideas, the price of the products would enable the producer to financially remunerate their staff, pay all fiscal obligations towards the state, repay the supply debts, grant the ability for further material purchase and insure a significant profit. For a successful promotion of the products, Kudler would also grant their customer several discounts. The usual remuneration method would consist of an advance of 25 to 50%, and a further payment upon the delivery. However, if the customer is willing to allocate the supplier the entire amount of money instead of just the advance, the caterer would grant them a 5 to 10% discount (depending on the amount of the ordered products). Place Placing the products implies finding appropriate means and channels for successfully distributing them. The Kudler Fine Foods manager has to decide upon the following problems: distribution channels, market coverage, specific channel members, inventory management, warehousing, distribution centers, order processing and transportation (NetMBA, Business Knowledge Center). The catering products would be manufactured and initially stored within Kudler's space. An hour prior to the event for which the products were ordered, the caterer would have them transported to the customer where they would be prepared for the guests. The order processing and transportation would be entirely the responsibility of the producer. Promotion Promoting the catering products on the market implies a constant communication with the target audience and the means of getting their attention and generating a positive attitude towards the products. Among the issues regarding promotion are: promotional strategy, advertising, personal selling and sales force, public relations and publicity (NetMBA, Business Knowledge Center). Kudler would use most of the available media channels for promoting their new business. They could contract an advertising company to be in charge of their promotional campaign. They could develop commercial advertisements that could be seen on television or radio announcements. Also, they could order spreading out fliers and organize sampling sessions. Aside from the advertising campaign, the producer would establish a 24 hour PR department in charge of receiving telephone calls from customers. Kudler employees would register all requests and complaints from clients and forward them to their colleagues and superiors. Target market and technology The Kudler catering target market is composed of two categories: organizers of social events and company managers who wish to order the products for their employees' lunch. The second category is a less pretentious one and does not require highly specialized production technology. On the other hand, catering for social events demands hi-tech gadgets and a high quality of the foods served. In order to successfully cater social events, Kudler needs to posses several hi-tech devices such as highly specialized kitchen and industrial robots. Not only do these machines improve the overall quality of the final products, but they also save a significant amount of time and energy for the producer. Kudler catering and organic growers For several years now, the usage of organic growers in cultivating agricultural products has been a widely disputed issue around the globe. Supporters of organic growers argue that the quality of the resulted vegetables is significantly better than the quality of the vegetables grew in the classical method. Moreover, they state that the organically grew vegetables have better chances of developing in unfriendly weather and soil conditions. They say that â€Å"organic crops perform up to 100 percent better in drought and flood years† (The New Farm Research). On the other hand, disclaimers of the artificial soil fatteners argue that organically grew vegetables generate negative effects upon the consumer's health. They believe that long term exposure to organic growers could lead to incurable diseases and even death. Given the multitude of arguments in favor and against organic growers, the reactions of Kudler's customers would be diverse: some would agree, some would disagree and some would be indifferent. In order to satisfy their clientà ¨le, the catering company could discuss this issue with the order deponent and allow them the choice of the kinds of products and vegetables to be used for their event. Conclusions Kudler Fine Foods is a company that has, in a relatively short time, gained the trust and respect of customers. With their three stores opened in California, they proved their commitment and understanding towards the clients' needs by presenting them with high quality products at decent prices. Today, Kudler is considering launching their company onto the catering market. By maintaining their effective report of price and quality, aided by their acknowledged reputation and the support of a well trained marketing team, Kudler is prone to register successful outcomes. Bibliography: ? NetMBA, Business Knowledge Center, Marketing Mix, 2002 – 2006, last accessed on October 7, 2006 ? The New Farm Research,  Ã‚   Organic crops perform up to 100 percent better in drought and flood years, posted on November 7, 2003, last accessed on October 7, 2006 ? Varsity Essays, Kudler Fine Foods Proposal, 2006, last accessed on October 7, 2006                                    

Friday, November 8, 2019

Self Defeating Behaviours Essay Example

Self Defeating Behaviours Essay Example Self Defeating Behaviours Essay Self Defeating Behaviours Essay They go on to qualify this as Those who engage in a repetitive cycle of failed attempts to fulfill a core human need s range far and wide. For example, a child may be determined to gain attention through naughty behavior, initially this may be positive attention, later negative attention but attention all the same. Perhaps an adult avoiding work they are not looking forward to until it becomes an excessively stressful situation; proving to themselves that it was going to be stressful anyway. It may be someone in repeated abusive relationships or a sports professional who outperforms at home and underperformed in competition. It is, in away, a maladaptive coping strategy. In a positive sense, we would SE ego defense mechanisms to cope with certain situations. However, the mechanism is no longer effective when the outcome is negative for the individual. This cyclical process rotates around an expectation of a negative nature can be either sustained or worsen over time. Self-defeating behaviors ensure we fail to reach our goal(s). Perhaps we are scared to be successful or the process of change is more painful than the end result. Many self-defeating behaviors are managed perfectly well and may never need support of a counselor. Many may be simple unconscious efforts to ensure we gain the desired outcome (I. . Lateness to the interview of a job that doesnt appeal). However, a client may finally decide a change is required. The client may not perceive they themselves have an issue with their mindset or behavior. Mostly likely belief that an outside factor is causing an issue. Types of SOB Psychologists key to the research into Sads include Banister, Ocher and Burglars. The list of types of SUB are lengthy. However, Banister has outlined the some simple classes: Primary Self-Destruction This group includes individuals who intentionally choose an action that will bring harm to themselves. Masochism forms part of this group. De-railing activities may include self-harm, eating disorders, addiction and attempted suicide. Its important to note that anyone falling into this group is referred to their GPO for their primary care plan. [Psychosis. Com -? Self-Defeating Behavior] Trade-off Also known as Self-Handicapping. Creating a balance where in causing harm whilst seeing a beneficial output. Ultimately, the cost outweighs the gain. Most obvious involving health; over-eating, drinking, smoking. Less obvious may be avoidance; such as work or social interaction. A major player in this area is procrastination. Anyone falling into this group may or may not be aware of this trade-off. They do not intend to cause harm to themselves, believing negative affects are long in the future or change is too costly. (Banister) The advantage of giving yourself a handicap is that you can have the illusion of success without having to risk losing it. (Burglars, 1987) Counterpart active Strategies Has no intention of causing any harm to themselves, aiming for a positive outcome. Perhaps a misjudgment in capability or situation. Behaviors formed over time that may have originally been successful. The behavior becomes an automatic thought or response to a situation even if it gains a negative outcome. Choking under pressure is an example. Require careful handling as awareness of performance challenges can further exacerbate self-esteem issues that caused the SUB originally. (Banister) Treatment Models The two models we are looking auto treat are: H. I. N. D. S. I. T. E Honesty, Identification, New Choices, Intervene, Decision, Select, Transition and Empower T. I. M. E Temporal, I ntervene, Multi-modal, Empathetic Using both these models for treatment plans, it becomes clear that both are relevant. Using HINDSIGHT without considering a multimedia approach or originating issue seems unrealistic. Similarly, using TIME without considering the clients honesty or empowerment also seemed unrealistic. Additionally, the subject matter is not an end to end process but more a cycle. Recognizing a first time fix may not often happen, Ive merged the models into one cyclical model (below). The model considers that there may need to be reassessment at any time given a change of information, model, tool and level of success. It is not meant to signify a constant cycle of solution/ resolution, but rather recognize the journey. Figure 1: HINDSIGHT and TIME Models from Chrysalis Courses. Z Fosters interpretation. Within each of the sections, the counselor needs to make a choice appropriate to the client. Maybe starting with ACT to support open conversation; understand client goals, history, values, beliefs, rationale for change and so forth. Equally, psychoanalysis may be used if the issue clearly has roots in the development. Perhaps a Thought Record to identify patterns of behavior ready for the next discussion. However, an easily bored client may need such exploration done during a counseling session as recording issues may feel back facing and counterproductive. Modality may be key; they may like to draw a picture instead of writing a diary. The models above give a path to follow, a guide. Eke many paths; it will not always be a straight line, it may be that the client and counselor need to stop and check their direction or backtrack to take another path. The methods used will always need to reflect the individual. Whilst it can by cyclical, it must not remain so, intervention and challenge to help the client look to their ultimate goal. Some Considerations during Treatment Expectations of the Client Regardless of whether the client is feeling wronged or on a journey to change a belief, expectation is part of the discussion. Honesty is key, but also understanding what can and cannot be influenced. The Circle of Influence can be a useful tool. It can be discussed or printed, depending on modality and retained for reassessment. Here is a version below: Source: Z Fosters interpretation of Circle of Influence The worry tree HTTPS://bridegrooms. Files. Wordiness. Com/2014/07/worrywart. Ping Relapse and Cost of Change -behavioral change is superficial if not accompanied by an alteration Of perception and increase in social interest. Dryden) A challenge in changing any SUB is the price a client pays for change versus the true benefit gained. Behavior can turn into a habit based on a long standing belief system. The client will find it easier to take the well worn path, defaulting to the familiar. Stress or tiredness may exacerbate this. Similarly fear, anger, frustration. The counselor also needs to understand the knock on effect of change to family, friends and colleagues. Understanding the root cause of feelings and how these are restricting change are key. The counselor needs to help the client be open to identifying conflicts when hey arise; understand them and looking to manage them. The two models outlined in HINDSIGHT and TIME both clearly show this journey; demonstrating that there may not be one, but several ways to address a problem. Going through a process of exploration may reveal the best option for the client. I say may, as I?s equally likely that the client does not want to effect a positive outcome and may want to prove that the process will not succeed in support of the SUB. Emotional Desegregation Supporting awareness of where you can/cant ethically treat a client. This scale refers to: an emotional response that is poorly modulated, and does to fall within the conventionally accepted range of emotive response [Wisped Emotional Desegregation] Those who cannot regulate their emotions; in particular strong outbursts or physical aggression may need additional support via the GPO. It may be symptomatic of disorder(s), chronic maltreatment or brain injury. If in doubt the counselor must always take advice from their supervisor. External Factors Obvious factors may include alcohol, drugs, smoking, abusive or unhealthy relationships. Perhaps the clients living circumstances are difficult or dire. Perhaps dealing with a seriously ill loved one or supporting someone dealing tit any of the above. Addiction may be to gambling or even technology; a person may be disconnected from the world around them, but believe they are fully involved using social media. If a client has been abused or raped, caution is required as to how much past can be delved into and how soon they are willing to share. Painful memories may require the counselor to primarily focus on future goal and change in behavior. When looking to make changes to an SUB that has sustained someone, albeit negatively, these factors need active consideration. As always, supervision is key. SUB Relationship to Theory Whilst many theories may be used as part of TIME or HINDSIGHT, here are some connecting thoughts. Not an exhaustive list as there are many tools and theories: Transactional Analysis: Mode in support of SUB (I. E. , parental mode, perhaps moral superiority over being wronged). Psychoanalysis: Relating back to an unresolved crisis at a key period. Not just related to childhood, includes adult crisis (I. . , a failed marriage leading to fear of rejection). Personality: Fundamental personality of a client (I. E. Cognitive may be more self-aware of behaviors; sensory may test how change goes for them and what results hey SEE or FEEL). Client Centered: Understanding past history, opening up discussion, create trust and empathy. May be less effective to instigate change itself. Cognitive: Limiting or damaging beliefs. Clients generally believe the harming factor to be external, but discover during counseling that actually they need to change all or part of a belief. Behavioral: Conditioning of an individual. (I. E. , the perfectionist may have come from parental conditioning). Includes Fight/Flight/Freeze conditioning (amazedly changes). CB and similar: Culmination of above; tools and theory that can be used to instructively build a way forward for the client. Also consider ACT to change conditioned response. REBUT in particular came up as a strong framework for Sods. SUB Relationship to Intervention Validation/Challenge:Asking the client to explain the reasoning behind their beliefs this may need to be cyclical to dive down to the originating belief. Reflection:Repeating what the client has said to help them see their approach in a mirror and develop discussion around its validity. Rehearsal: Recreating a situation where a situation that involves the SUB is created to help understand its process for discussion. Could be utilized with Guided Imagery or Role Play below when looking to make changes. Guided Imagery:Cognitive behavioral technique shown to be effective in helping individuals learn to modify behaviors. In particular, working through the outcome of a changed goal. [Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders] Story-boarding: A step forward from the guided imagery above. A visual story of situation. Role-Play: Allowing the client a safe environment in which to practice any changes and allowing the client/therapist to test methods that may challenge any change. Conditioning: Several methods including placing the client in a situation fully flooding) or progressively. Also reward or punish through changes (this last one not deemed to be a strong method). Thought Record: Understanding when, where, who, feelings, hot thoughts, values. In order to reflect, understand and discuss options. Materials: TO support a clients consideration of belief, challenges and changes. Poems, stories (both real and fictional), even online materials for those who prefer, such as happily. Com This list is certainly not exhaustive and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, approaches would have a regular check and balance via supervision o define the most beneficial approach for any given aspect of the treatment. Conclusions If refer to a quote at the start of this paper may be vulnerable to mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety, social isolation, or compensatory exterminating problems (Browns and Hartley) in relation to Sibs. Couple this with a quote from a McKinney paper Changing individual behavior is increasingly at the heart of healthcare. The old model of healthcare -? a reactive system that treats acute illnesses after the fact -? is evolving to one more centered on patients, prevention, and the ongoing management of chronic conditions. (Dixon-File) What are the wider social implications of self-defeating behaviors? Modern society with it benefits and comfort also brings with it an ill; expectations, excess, treatment of one another resulting in maladaptive coping strategies. Such stresses can lead to ill health or even mental disorders over time. Of course, an SUB may also simply be a symptom of a disorder. Gaps have to be to broad shoulders of the T in terms of knowledge. Perhaps the INS requires a training system to consider the broader information from a patient and avoid repeated referrals to different specialists? How would the health service do this? A GPO may see that a patients physical symptoms and/ or stress may be exacerbated by a behavioral issue. Review by specialists to decide upon a holistic approach that may include a mental health specialist such as counseling. Still even if talking therapy is identified, the client/patient needs to want to make a change. Take social avoidance as an example. Low self-esteem and/or personal experiences may have led to a maladaptive coping strategy. This may carry with it secondary issues around lack of exercise, eating habits, and self- dedication or more seriously self-harm. History and originating factors may include conditioning developmental crisis or a specific trauma. They could be under great pressure from relatives/friends to resolve the issue or even conversely supporting the belief that this avoidance will not change. Understanding the reason a client wants to change, the originating cause(s), emotions, beliefs; the counselor and client may then look at understanding an ideal goal/outcome. The therapist may need to consider CB/ACT/REBUT and tools such as a worry tree or goal ladder to help the client find a route forward. Role-play to create a safe environment in which to test scenarios and of course expectation setting that there will be positive and negative experiences whilst the best path is found. Nothing is perfect, but what the above thought process shows is that for any given SUB, there could be many causes, factors and results. The treatment of any SUB brings together all the models we have learnt and key intervention skills to be used. It is also important to remember we can only deal with what the client presents us. It may be that a client is struggling with a task because they have been asked to do something beyond their means rather than they are sabotaging themselves. One can only challenge and reflect with the help their client to consider their statements and honesty. Finally, feel a health warning is again required; a counselor has a great deal of influence once they have understood a client and are entrusted to help with change. The client will want direction. The counselor must be mindful of the clients desires, whilst we will challenge a client, we must not lead them by our own compass but instead support them in finding their own way.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Register as a Government Contractor

How to Register as a Government Contractor For thousands of small businesses, contracting for the sale of their goods and services to the federal government agencies opens the doors of growth, opportunity and, of course, prosperity. But before you can bid on and be awarded government contracts, you or your business must be registered as government contractor. Getting registered as a government contractor is a four-step process. 1. Obtain a D-U-N-S Number You will first need to obtain a Dun Bradstreet D-U-N-S ® Number, a unique nine-digit identification number for each physical location of your business. D-U-N-S Number assignment is free for all businesses required to register with the federal government for contracts or grants. Visit the D-U-N-S Request Service to register and learn more about the D-U-N-S system. 2. Register Your Business in the SAM Database The System Award Management (SAM) resource is the database of vendors of goods and services doing business with the federal government. Sometimes called â€Å"self-certifying,† SAM registration is required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) for all prospective vendors. SAM registration must be completed before your business can be awarded any government contract, basic agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement. SAM registration is free and can be done completely online. As part of SAM registration process you will be able to record your business’ size and socio-economic status, as well as all FAR-required solicitation clauses and certifications. These certifications are explained in the Offeror’s Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items section of the FAR. SAM registration also serves as a valuable marketing tool for government contracting businesses. The federal agencies routinely search the SAM database to find prospective vendors based on goods and services provided, size, location, experience, ownership and more. In addition, SAM informs the agencies of firms that are certified under the SBA’s 8(a) Development and HUBZone programs. 3. Find Your Company’s NAICS Code While it’s not absolutely necessary, chances are you will need to find your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. NAICS codes classify businesses according to their economic sector, industry, and location. Depending on the products and services they offer, many businesses may fit udner multiple NAICS industry codes. When you register your business in the SAM database, be sure to list all of its applicable NAICS codes. 4. Obtain Past Performance Evaluations If you want to get in on the lucrative General Services Administration (GSA) contracts and you should want to you need to get a Past Performance Evaluation report from Open Ratings, Inc. Open Ratings conducts an independent audit of customer references and calculates a rating based upon a statistical analysis of various performance data and survey responses. While some GSA solicitations for bids do contain the form to request an Open Ratings Past Performance Evaluation, vendors may submit an online request directly to Open Ratings, Inc. Items You Will Need for Registration Here are some of the things you will need when registering your business. Your NAICS codesYour DUNS - Data Universal Numbering System numberYour Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN or EIN)Your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codesYour Product Service codes (optional but helpful)Your Federal Supply Classification codes (optional but helpful) Obviously, all of these codes and certifications are geared toward making it easier for the federal government purchasing and contracting agents to find your business and match it to their specific needs.   US Government Contracting Rules to Know Once you are registered as a government contractor, you will be required to comply with several laws, rules, regulations, and procedures when doing business with the government. By far the two most important of these laws are the aforementioned Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the 1994 Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA). However, there are many other laws and regulations that deal with government contracting. Government Contracting Procedures Briefly Each agency of the federal government conducts business with the public through three specific authorized agents, called contracting officers. These officers are: The Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO)- awards contracts and deals with contract terminations in the event the contractor defaults on the terms of the contract.The Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO)- administers the contract.The Termination Contracting Officer (TCO)- deals with contract terminations when the government chooses to terminate the contract for its own reasons. Depending on the situation, the same person may the PCO, the ACO, and the TCO. As a sovereign entity (the sole ruling power), the federal government retains rights that commercial businesses do not have. Perhaps most importantly, the government has the right to unilaterally change the terms of the contract, provided that the changes are within the general parameters of the contract.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Advantages of Induced Pluripotent Stem cell research Essay

Advantages of Induced Pluripotent Stem cell research - Essay Example A very important breakthrough came two years ago with the discovery that adult multipotent adult stem cells can be induced, by the addition of transcription factors, to convert into pluripotent cells (Takahashi, Tanabe and Ohnuki). These cells came to be known as induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. Research of iPS cell technology must be promoted because of the many advantages of using iPS cells compared to the other stem cell types. The first major advantage is the use of somatic tissues instead of embryos as sources. Various types of somatic tissues can be used as sources of iPS cells for the repair of damaged tissues (Yu, Vodyanik and Smuga-Otto). Patient-derived somatic cells can produce patient-specific iPS cells that contain the patient’s genetic information. When these iPS cells are used in transplantation to replace diseased cells, the risk for rejection is reduced. Immune rejection is a problem in the use of embryonic stem cells (de Wert and Mummery). Another potential application is to use the iPS cells for constructing specific disease models and screening for effective drugs (Yamanaka). The potential therefore is high for healing degenerative and chronic diseases like cystic fibrosis, chronic heart problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s dis ease and many more (Yamanaka). The advantage of using somatic cells as sources for iPS cells leads to another advantage, which is the removal of the major ethical and moral issues surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells. Ethical and moral issues have hounded stem cell research since its potential applications were discovered, most concerning the use of 4-5 day old embryos as sources of embryonic stem cells. Since the embryos die upon the isolation of stem cells, the main ethical questions centered on life and its beginnings. Other issues were on obtaining stem cells from pre-implantation embryos, and if this is the case,

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Legal Process of Establishing Business Partnership Essay

The Legal Process of Establishing Business Partnership - Essay Example It involves an agreement between two or more parties to enter into a legally binding relationship that is essentially contractual in nature†2. Partnership is fundamentally identified as a relation of an agency. Agency can be stated to be a person identified as an agent who willingly undertakes to act for any other party. The other party is termed as principal. There is a mutual consent prevalent between both the intended parties in this relationship3. The owners belonging to a partnership are generally synchronized by the Partnership Act of every state as well as territory. As identified by the Partnership Act, the meaning of ‘partnership’ and ‘firm’ is identical4. In context to the agreement of partnership the roles, responsibilities, liabilities, power of certain partners to bind the firm, partners bound by acts on behalf of the firm, effect of notice that firm will not be bound by acts of partner and the criteria for dissolution of an agreement of p artnership needs to be discussed with regard to the provided case. ... ular firm and remainder of the partners in the firm except the partner who performs the act has in effect no right to act in relation to the firm in the precise issue and the person along with whom a particular partner is generally dealing either is aware that the partner has actually no right or is unfamiliar about the factor does deem the particular partner to be a partner belonging to the firm4. According to the statement of Section 10 of the Partnership Act of 1963 a particular act or any particular instrument with regard to the business belonging to a firm except for an incorporated limited partnership is compulsory on the firm and the present partners in the particular firm as well if it is performed by a particular person who has been sanctioned to conduct such an act or carry out the instrument devoid of the fact that if the person is a partner of the firm or not, in the name of the firm or in any further way presenting an intent for binding the firm4. According to proclamati on of Sec 12 of the Partnership Act of 1963, if it was decided by the present partners belonging to a firm aside from an incorporated limited partnership that precincts are to be sited on the established power of one or more than one of the obtainable partners to unite the firm, an action defying the agreement is not requisite on the partnership with regard to a person within view of the notice concerning the agreement.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Learning, Knowledge and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Learning, Knowledge and Performance - Essay Example The discourse also considers the Kolb learning system and influences of improving the situation at Siemens. Siemens organization did not consider earlier knowledge management, yet it is an economic resource for the company. It is essential for Siemens to recognize that sharing of knowledge is a significant element of knowledge management. Knowledge management is not part of the success strategy in the learning and knowledge at Siemens. Employees own knowledge and incorporating them into institutional knowledge at Siemens relies on the cultural behavior regarding sharing knowledge (Morey, Maybury, Bhavani, &Thuraisingham2002, p. 23).It is the role of the company to inculcate the culture of knowledge sharing among employees. Employees at Siemens comprehend that sharing of knowledge is significant but do not share amongst them because they hold it an important asset that can make them remain valuable at the company (Sonbuchner 1991, p. 31). It is not possible to force employees to share knowledge neither is it advisable. However, employees induced or motivated to do so. The system at Siemens constitutes motivational methods to induce workers into adopting the behavior of sharing knowledge, the biggest cha llenge emanates from changing the current behavior of employees (MacKeracher 1996, p. 56). Changing behavior is directly proportional to the success of sharing knowledge and the effectiveness of knowledge management (Stewart & Rigg 2011, p. 41). The value of sharing knowledge in knowledge management requires understanding ways through which employees remain motivated to share knowledge in a way that helps the overall intellectual advantage of Siemens (Kiersey1984). The knowledge gaps at Siemens are barriers in attaining desired goals in the company (Jones& Carr 1987, p. 69). The climate and culture at Siemens play a significant role in developing the process of sharing knowledge among

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ashton DeShazier Essay Example for Free

Ashton DeShazier Essay My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,† a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best. My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,† a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best.